Chamber Music

We envision a community transformed by the power of creative collaboration, personal accountability, self-confidence, respect for others, and joyful artistic expression. We believe such a community can be realized when musicians of all levels come together to create something bigger than themselves.

We value chamber music as an essential experience for musicians at all levels and abilities. We include all who want to be involved. We don’t audition students for acceptance into our programs; we are available to anyone who wants to participate. Because in a chamber group there is typically one on a part, it is impossible to feel unimportant. Each member of a string quartet is vital. This should translate to what a person can experience in life in general. It is intensified in the small chamber group experience. Not only is a person vital, they are automatically accountable to the group in the most basic way. Whether they are playing the most beautiful melody or the most redundant line, they are responsible to the music and thus to each other. It is the perfect training for a life led with self esteem, integrity, accountability and a deep respect for the larger perspective.